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IPFS News Link • Pro-life/Pro Choice

Scotus Overturning Roe Causes Shocking Display of Mass Mental Illness...

•, By Lance D Johnson

Pride month and all the child grooming, transgenderism perversion has been over-ridden and replaced with a historic victory for human rights. Pride month has forever become pro-life month.

After Roe v. Wade was overturned, the abortion-advocating, left-wing totalitarians melted down into a shocking display of mass mental illness and moral depravity. These totalitarians can no longer use the federal government to force their sordid vision of mass convenient murder on the population. For decades, the Democrat Party lied about a "Constitutional right" to conveniently maim, cut up and vacuum children out of the womb. An entire generation bleeds from the trail of horrors left behind from the era of Roe V Wade.

Abortion industry will be relegated to the dark corners of society

The American people are onto the sleazy, organ harvesting operations taking place within Planned Parenthood. More people are becoming aware that babies are strategically killed and picked apart so their cells can be used in the manufacture of vaccines. More people see how abortion has become a corrupt, unaccountable industry, preying on the fears and insecurities of women.

Right now, corporations are showing where their values lie. Some have already announced that they will provide employees with financial assistance for abortions. These same corporations, however, refuse to provide prenatal support, maternity leave and various levels of support for women and their babies to support abundant life.

The abortion industry will continue to conduct business in pockets of the country, but now it will be looked upon as a genocidal aberration, as more states take action to curb its macabre influence and destruction. As this industry is relegated to the dark corners of society, the left-wing totalitarians will scream and hiss, throwing temper tantrums, as the demons are revealed.