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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Study: Male Fertility Tanks 15.4% After mRNA Injections


The study, peer-reviewed and published in Wiley Online Library, recruited male volunteers for a period of at least six months, testing their sperm parameters at various points prior to and following vaccination. All of the study participants were screened for previous COVID infection and found to be negative.

Previous studies have suggested a brief and transient impact of COVID infection on sperm parameters, with any negative impact reversed by two to three months following infection. In this study, however, the negative impact of vaccination was seen not immediately following vaccination, but rather, between two and five months following vaccination and persisting throughout the remainder of the study.

At T2 (75 to 150 days following vaccination completion), sperm concentration was found to be 15.4% decreased from baseline (prior to vaccination). Total motile count was also down at this point by 22.1%. At T3, over 150 days after vaccination completion, the corresponding figures were -15.9% and -19.4%.