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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Good News!

•, By Karen Kwiatkowski

The headlines this morning included this one:  "The US Military Can Walk and Chew Gum at the Same Time!" from none other than the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin.  All of y'all who thought Biden was nuts or senile, thinking we could take on China and Russia at the same time, with some left over for the Middle East, can just sit down and rest your noggin, it's all good!

This remarkable statement, reflecting the deepest conundrums being worked out inside the gray matter of the deep state and its extended nervous system, is validated by ther near simultaneous utterance by none other than Ukraine's wartime leader Volodymyr Zelensky that, despite having limited resources, impossible logistics, jigsawed military capability and comedic political inspiration, he will not only get back the eastern republics, but take back Crimea as well.

Whether you call it understated confidence, "team work makes the dream work," or a Mitt Romney inspired "crackpot-ism", it is an impressive display.

Crack is whack, and it can also be US foreign policy.  Caitlin Johnstone is 100% on target and must be read.  This "rogue" journalist observes what simply is – not hoped for, not imagined, not a cliché – and this reality is inspiring, and certainly part of the good news.   She writes, regarding the bilateral faux outrage of a Biden visit to Saudi Arabia:

In truth the US is friends with Saudi Arabia not in spite of the Saudi regime's murderousness and depravity but exactly because of it. The US doesn't oppose tyrannical dictatorships; it loves them. A totalitarian monarchy which operates in an immensely geostrategically crucial region with complete control and zero transparency is the most perfect friend a globe-dominating empire could possibly ask for.
