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People Who Defend Empire Narratives Are Really Just Defending Their Worldview From Destruction

• Caitlin Johnstone - Substack

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If you've publicly challenged the official narratives of the western political/media class about any major issue, you've probably noticed that people can get pretty upset about it.

Like, actually upset. Not mildly annoyed like you might get at someone who is saying something that is obviously false and stupid, but burning hot emotional like you'd get if you heard someone insulting your loved one. Or like someone insulting you personally.

That's the most surprising thing, when you first start speaking about this stuff. Not that people don't believe you or don't agree with you; that's to be expected when every screen in their lives is telling them one thing and you're telling them something else. But that people actually get deeply emotionally invested in it.

That's your first clue that there's something else going on beneath the surface apart from what you're being presented with. You're not just arguing about Ukraine or China or Syria or whatever, you're touching on a psychological third rail that's being ferociously protected.

Many of the people you'll run into online or in person who defend imperial narratives from your criticisms aren't doing so because they believe the US-centralized empire is awesome and great, they're doing so because it's much more comfortable than confronting the possibility that their entire worldview is made of lies.

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