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IPFS News Link • Free Speech

Five Steps To Save Free Speech On Twitter: A Musk Roadmap

• by Jonathan Turley

 Political forces in the United States and abroad are already aligning to resist his effort to restore free speech to social media.

If history has shown one thing, it is that it is easier to lose rights than to regain them. Musk has a product in demand but neither governments nor many of his own employees want to be sold. If Musk is to fulfill his pledge, he will need to take five specific steps to secure free speech protections.  Given the interests allied against him, Musk must move quickly if he wants to not only reintroduce but to maintain free speech on Twitter.

1. Adopt the First Amendment standard.

Pundits and politicians, including President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama, have justified their calls for censorship (or "content moderation" for polite company) by stressing that the First Amendment only applies to the government, not private companies. That distinction allows Obama to declare himself last week to be "pretty close to a First Amendment absolutist." He did not call himself a "free speech absolutist" because he favors censorship for views that he considers to be "lies," "disinformation," or "quackery."

The distinction has always been a disingenuous evasion. The First Amendment is not the sole or exclusive definition of free speech. Censorship on social media is equally, if not more, damaging for free speech. However, Musk can call this bluff. He could order Twitter to apply the First Amendment standard that applies to the government for speech in a public forum. In doing so, Musk would instantly eliminate most of the censorship currently imposed on the site. He would, however, have to stipulate that the standards for "government speech" (which allows for greater speech regulation) would not apply. Twitter will be treated as "the digital town square" that he has long embraced.

 2.    Restructure Twitter.