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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

WAYNE ROOT: "The Great O'Biden Intentional Depression" is Here. Here is the Solution.

• By Wayne Allyn Root

Everything I've predicted has come to pass. Back on October 30, 2016 in my opening speech for Donald J. Trump's last Las Vegas rally before the election, I told the crowd of 15,000+ that a Trump victory was our last chance to save America.

I told the crowd that if Hillary was elected it would be Obama's third term. It would be the end of America. She would finish off America with Obama's plan. It was a plan I learned at Columbia University, Class of '83, with my classmate Barack Obama. The plan was called Cloward-Piven.

The Cloward-Piven strategy was to overwhelm the US economy with welfare and debt, causing the economy to collapse, bankrupting the business owners, making the middle class jobless, and causing everyone to panic and beg big government to save them. That would open the door for socialism.

I predicted the main tool to do this would be opening the borders to let the whole world in, give them all cradle to grave welfare checks, free healthcare and free education (all paid by the great American middle class), and as a bonus, turn these millions of illegal aliens into Democrat voters.

Sound familiar?

I also predicted Hillary and Democrats would use massive tax increases; draconian increases in government regulations; the Green Energy boondoggle that would waste billions of dollars and kill middle class jobs; expand Obamacare to triple healthcare bills for the middle class; destroy the justice system to allow violent criminals to roam free; while the corrupt DOJ and woke DAs funded by George Soros persecuted conservatives.

That was the Cloward-Piven plan that Obama and I learned at Columbia. That would have been the third term of Obama. But a funny thing happened in 2016: Donald J. Trump was elected President. Hillary never got a chance to carry out Obama's plan.