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Proposed 'Pandemic Treaty' Sets Up The WHO For Technocratic Globalism


The Presidents of Burundi and Tanzania banned the WHO from their borders, refusing to go along with the pandemic narrative: Both died unexpectedly within months and were replace with pro-WHO Presidents.
Obviously, the WHO doesn't care about global health or the life or death of any particular citizen. The warning has been sent out to national leaders: take our deal or we will eliminate you. ? TN Editor

The first public hearings on the proposed "Pandemic Treaty" are closed, with the next round due to start in mid-June.

We've been trying to keep this issue on our front page, entirely because the mainstream is so keen to ignore it and keep churning out partisan war porn and propaganda.

When we – and others – linked to the public submissions page, there was such a response that the WHO's website actually briefly crashed, or they pretended it crashed so people would stop sending them letters.

Either way, it's a win. Hopefully one we can replicate in the summer.

Until then, the signs are that what scant press coverage there is, mostly across the metaphorical back-pages of the internet, will be focused on making the treaty "strong enough" and ensuring national governments can be "held accountable".

An article in the UK's Telegraph from April 12th headlines:

Real risk a pandemic treaty could be 'too watered down' to stop new outbreaks