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IPFS News Link • Deep State- Shadow Government

This Little Pig Built a House Out of Straw… And Oil


... control the two largest utilities of the people in their formerly sovereign states–which are now no more than counties. Those utilities? Farming and Energy.

Yes, the seeds were planted that long ago.

To politicians, whatever passes at the moment as the "law of the land" is treated like oil to grease their careers, and a whip to those who produce the oil or corn or wheat—other features produced by congressional law under the legalistic sounding "departments": labor, health, education, the weather (for god's sake) … ad infinitum

That is "politicians" is plural as in a group and plural as between the so-called political parties. That is to say, both political parties are and have been a disease of the people since the anti-federalists (not intended as a party but as a riposte to the Hamiltonian nationalists). And the current parties, are still the same as George Wallace claimed in 1968: "Not a dime's worth a difference."

They pass laws that have meaning only temporarily, lasting until their "sheriff of Nottingham-type" appointed judges declare the law "unconstitutional"—a legalistic euphemism for the inconvenience—to favor the bureaucrats, the beasts of Washington D.C.
