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IPFS News Link • Ukraine

Americans have no obligation to sacrifice for the war in Ukraine

• Ron Paul Institute - Jordan Schachtel

In March of 2020, we were told it was an act of incredible selfishness to want to continue to simply lives our as free human beings. COVID-19 was to be taken very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that the ruling class told us that not taking COVID seriously (and adhering to the draconian edicts of politicians) meant you were a bad citizen, and likely complicit in the potential death of everyone's grandma. This notion of collective sacrifice, due to COVID, became akin to gospel throughout the United States. Only a "selfish" lunatic bioterrorist would have the audacity to question the government's COVID narrative, we were told. After all, the "experts" told us that collective sacrifice was the only way to spare millions of lives, and we must listen to the "experts" in order to make our way through the crisis.

Well, the rest is history. Many Americans saw two years pass — and millions of lives and livelihoods ruined — before the government lifted its tyrannical boot off of our necks.

Today, we are said to be facing another crisis. Russia has invaded Ukraine, and in order to prove yourself a good citizen, you must be made to sacrifice for the war in Ukraine. The "foreign policy experts" in D.C. and Brussels have united to demand your conscription to the Ukraine narrative. Instead of being complicit in the death of everyone's grandma, Americans who challenge the war in Ukraine narrative are labeled sympathizers to Russian president Vladimir Putin. For the past week, your humble correspondent has been openly discussing the merits of heavily financing and aiding the war effort in a slavic scuffle between two very similar neighbors. And the schizophrenic reactions to my open questions bring me back to those days in March of 2020.