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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

World War III Beginning Stages Now

• Armstrong Economics

It has weakened its economy with COVID and it is so obsessed with trying to force Russia and China to comply with their Climate Change directives set out by the UN, that they have lost sight of the fact that there is no qualified leadership in any of the major countries and they have weakened their entire military establishment demanding vaccines or you are out.

Even during the debate between Biden and Trump, he actually admitted he would stop Fracking on Federal Land, and said he was going to end the oil industry in addition to joining the UN's Paris accord "to force China to comply" which confirms everything I have been getting from sources that the Globalists needed to remove Trump to use American power against China and Russia. Now here we are and make no mistake about it – this is all for climate change.

If there was ever a PERFECT time for World War III – this is it.