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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

Now Or Never: The Great 'Transition' Must Be Imposed

•, by Alastair Crooke

Were you following the news this last week? Vaccine mandates are everywhere: one country, after another, is doubling-down, to try to force, or legally compel, full population vaccination. The mandates are coming because of the massive uptick in Covid – most of all in the places where the experimental mRNA gene therapies were deployed en masse. And (no coincidence), this 'marker' has come just as U.S. Covid deaths in 2021 have surpassed those of 2020. This has happened, despite the fact that last year, no Americans were vaccinated (and this year 59% are vaccinated). Clearly no panacea, this mRNA 'surge'.

Of course, the Pharma-Establishment know that the vaccines are no panacea. There are 'higher interests' at play here. It is driven rather by fear that the window for implementing its series of 'transitions' in the U.S. and Europe is closing. Biden still struggles to move his 'Go-Big' social spending plan and green agenda transition through Congress by the midterm election in a year's time. And the inflation spike may well sink Biden's Build Back Better agenda (BBB) altogether.

Time is short. The midterm elections are but 12 months away, after which the legislative window shuts. The Green 'transition' is stuck too (by concerns that moving too fast to renewables is putting power grids at risk and elevating heating costs unduly), and the Pharma establishment will be aware that a new B.1.1.529 variant has made a big jump in evolution with 32 mutations to its spike protein. This makes it "clearly very different" from previous variants, which may drive further waves of infection evading 'vaccine defences'.

Translation: a new wave of restrictions, more lockdowns, and – eventually – trillions of dollars in new stimmie cheques may be in prospect. And what of inflation then, we might ask.