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Nothing says "Trust Us" like we need to hide the data til 2076: The FDA buries Pfizer resu


Aaron Siri, a lawyer at Siri Glimstad explains that the FDA has now asked the judge to allow it to drip-feed out the information at a pace so slow that the complete set won't be available until 2076.

Remember, the vaccine is totally safe and has astonishing efficacy, right?

Perhaps they need a bigger internet cable.

The FDA promises full transparency for Pfizer Vaccine data "in 55 years time"

by Aaron Siri:

The federal government shields Pfizer from liability.  Gives it billions of dollars.  Makes Americans take its product.  But won't let you see the data supporting its product's safety and efficacy.  Who does the government work for?

To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer's vaccine, the FDA still has not released a single page.  Not one.

Instead, two days ago, the FDA asked a federal judge to give it until 2076 to fully produce this information.  The FDA asked the judge to let it produce the 329,000+ pages of documents Pfizer provided to the FDA to license its vaccine at the rate of 500 pages per month, which means its production would not be completed earlier than 2076.  The FDA's promise of transparency is, to put it mildly, a pile of illusions.

It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021).   Taking th