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IPFS News Link • United Kingdom

UK's Pfizer report reveals SHOCKING VACCINE INJURIES and deaths from the covid jab

•, by: S.D. Wells

After all, every single vaccine ever made has been marketed as "safe and effective" so often, it's no wonder kids aren't singing it as a jingle. Sadly, there's nothing funny about the thousands and thousands of injuries and deaths (reported and unreported) caused directly by the latest unsafe and ineffective jabs – a.k.a. spike protein gene therapy injections. Just looking at the one percent of adverse events reported to UK's Yellow Card (similar to VAERS), it's a horror story bad enough to make any sane person question the entire vaccine industry, especially the Pfizer China Flu shots.

After all, who would trust the very same industry that actually created the genetically mutated animal virus so that it could attack humans in the first place? How many injured, dying and dead folks is it going to take before the world wakes up and sees the forest for the trees?