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Republikflucht: The Karen Apocalypse and the Great Reset

• Dollar Vigilante - Jeff Berwick

Twitter trolls acting as the Spanish Inquisition, attempting to destroy a reputation or career for minor infractions against "woke" scripture. (Or delivering Covaids-19 "misinformation" and "false vaccine claims" to the Facebook Schutzstaffel)

-They are every fact checker who ever was.

-They deeply believe that their opinion is the only correct opinion.

-They approve of critical race theory.

-They approve of men competing in women's sports.

-They approve of a transgender contestant, a biological male, winning Miss Nevada USA?.

-They were first in line for the jab –– and they have the celebration photo and Facebook photo frame to prove it.

Because they live for virtue signaling. And they will likely cling to their social contract with the devil until death and taxes do them part.

One thing they don't approve of is prostitution. First, because it fits perfectly with their feminist vs. toxic-male agenda; and second, because they're shit scared of the ladies of the night's voodoo magic over weak and innocent sons and husbands…

Now don't get me wrong. As LibCap-minded voluntaryists, Lucy and I love a good tale of individuals flourishing in society and everyone accepting everyone else's choices –– AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HURT OTHERS.

So here's a thought: If you offer your perfectly healthy child to take part in highly experimental vaccine trials, you are much, much worse than any prostitute. Or terrorist.  

In fact, you are worse than any Nazi or Soviet war criminal. Because you're selling out your own child. And we are seeing every day that the consequences are not pretty.In today's walk & talk, we discuss the Republikflucht and why it's more apparent than ever why people are discouraged from studying history; why Israel is back in lockdown; and the WHO is saying the vaccines are "problematic" and that we should continue wearing masks and social distancing forever… maybe because scientists are now saying that "we have to accept four fatal and 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations in order to save the lives of 2–11 individuals per 100,000 vaccinations, placing risks and benefits on the same order of magnitude." (Report in the video)