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5 Best Portable Air Compressors for Your RV (2021 Reviews)

• RV Lifestyle

Your RV's tires are one of the most critical parts of your vehicle. They are the only things that stand between you and the road you are traveling on!  

That is why I recommend that every RV owner have the best tire inflator for an RV that you can find!

To keep your tires operating at the optimal level, you need to keep them inflated at the proper tire pressure for your rig. Be sure to check your owner's manual for the appropriate air pressure for your specific RV. 

You will also want to know how to check it before hitting the road this season! If you don't, your tires might be too hot before you have time to correct them. 

You may also consider investing in a tire pressure monitoring system. Check out our podcast Episode 174: Do You Need a Tire Pressure Monitoring System for Your RV?

6 Tips for Choosing the Best Air Compressor for an RV

Finding the best RV air compressor may be more challenging than you think. That is because there are several different options on the market. How do you choose? 

Here are my 6 tips for choosing the best tire inflator for an RV that you can find! 

1. Air Compressor Ratings

There are three air compressor ratings that you want to be aware of: 

-Horsepower (HP)

-Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM)

-Pounds Per Square Inch (PSI)

Understanding these three ratings can help you choose the best tire inflator for RV that reflects your particular needs. 

2. Horsepower (HP)

The concept of horsepower was invented by the engineer James Watt. Watts are used to measuring mechanical and electrical power. One unit of horsepower is equal to 746 watts. 

When it comes to air compressors, manufacturers do not always explain the term "horsepower" well to potential buyers. If you purchase an air compressor rated at 6-HP that operates using a voltage of 120, it would only actually be able to produce a horsepower rating of 2-HP. 

That seems counterintuitive, so let me explain. The 6-HP rating is the unit's rating at peak performance. That peak performance only occurs when operating at a much higher RPM and would need a 240-volt circuit to run at that rate. 

Manufacturers advertise a higher HP rating, similar to that of cars. In the end, the 6-HP rating is more like a 2-HP. This is an excellent thing to keep in mind when reading stats.