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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

GOODBYE SUBURBIA: Joe Biden Targets 'Exclusionary' Neighborhoods -


"Suburbia will be no longer as we know it," President Donald Trump warned on the campaign trail. He told voters that Biden wanted to get rid of single-family zoning, laws which require that only typical suburbia homes may be built in residential areas, which he warned would bring "who knows into your suburbs, so your communities will be unsafe and your housing values will go down."

Now, it seems, Joe Biden is proving him correct. In a White House issued 'fact sheet' for Biden's radical infrastructure bill, he "calls on Congress to enact an innovative, new competitive grant program that awards flexible and attractive funding to jurisdictions that take concrete steps to eliminate such needless barriers to producing affordable housing." Many believe this suggests Biden wants Section 8 Housing in suburbs nationwide, fundamentally changing the concept of suburbs.