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IPFS News Link • Racism

Woke-a-Cola: How To Destroy A World-Leading Brand In 60 Seconds

• by Tom Luango

In late February a whistleblower came forth with screenshots, posted on YouTube, of slides from Coke's internal 'diversity training' course urging its employees to quote, "Be less white."

And by 'less white' they mean subservient. They don't mean be more sensitive.

When this happened, I immediately said to myself, "Scratch ever buying another Coke product off my list."  Not a moment's angst or energy went into it.

"Be less white?"

"Drink no Coke."

Why?  Because choosing not to buy a Coke on the rare occasion I buy a soda anymore is an easy one.  Sugar (or aspartame) and water in and of itself isn't anything to get excited about, it's the association of Coca-Cola with a past positive experience that is.

And they just told me I'm a bad person because of the heritage of my birth. 

Not a positive, relationship-building experience.

Now I know that Critical Race Theory hustlers think they can immunize themselves and their real agenda with rhetoric, justifying their racism and hoping they've conditioned enough of us into feeling guilty to allow the inversion of society where blacks are in power and whites are not. 

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