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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

New York Times Columnist: 'It's Time to Scare People About Covid'

•, -RW

In her latest column she writes:

 It's time to make people scared and uncomfortable. It's time for some sharp, focused terrifying realism.

"Fear appeals can be very effective," said Jay Van Bavel, associate professor of psychology at New York University, who co-authored a paper in Nature about how social science could support Covid response efforts...

[M]aybe we need a P.S.A. featuring someone actually on a ventilator in the hospital. You might see that person "bucking the vent" — bodies naturally rebel against the machine forcing pressurized oxygen into the lungs, which is why patients are typically sedated...

Another message could feature a patient lying in an I.C.U. bed, immobile, tubes in the groin, with a mask delivering 100 percent oxygen over the mouth and nose — eyes wide with fear, watching the saturation numbers rise and dip on the monitor over the bed...

These P.S.A.s might sound harsh, but they might overcome our natural denial.

Natural denial?

This is madness. The country is already in fear because of a virus that is not of severe consequence to 99.9% of the population.

Rosenthal is thinking like a blunt instrument central planner who holds the view that nothing matters other than the bizarre attempt to prevent COVID-19 from spreading. Maybe we should start blasting videos to Rosenthal of the suicides, spousal abuse, child abuse and depression that have exploded since the fight to "protect" the country against a virus that is not of severe consequence to 99.9% of the population.

Even though Rosenthal was an emergency room physician before becoming a journalist, she is not thinking like a scientist. She is thinking like a crazed propaganda power freak. 

Her "thinking" taking hold is what I fear.