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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

Nolte: Fox's Contempt for Trump Supporters Exposed in Off-Air Video


Watch Smith's face especially…

So Fox invites this woman on, her name is Cleta Mitchell, she's a lawyer out of D.C., and for very good reason — the votes are not yet counted, the election is being legally contested — she politely questions the decision of the corporate media to declare Biden a winner before a single state is certified, and here she is being mocked like some kind of stupid rube for daring to question The Mighty Fox News.

Look at Smith's face… Listen to her, "What? What is happening? Like, Trace, we've called it." The incredulity that anyone would dare question the unelected, proven liars at Fox News when they tell the public who their next president will be!

Fox  News is worse than CNNLOL.