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IPFS News Link • Voting - Election Integrity

Amid Calls For Unity & Civility, Lincoln Project Doxxes Lawyers Representing Trump...

•, by Jonathan Turley

The Lincoln Project is airing a commercial today celebrating the end of the politics of division and personal attacks as Twitter removed a tweet (with a skull-and-crossbones emoji) from The Lincoln Project that sought to target lawyers simply because they represent the Trump campaign.

The crushing irony is magnified by the fact that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has called for liberals to start to assemble enemy lists of people who were "complicit" in the Trump Administration and the first entry was . . . you guessed it … the Republicans who founded the Lincoln Project. It is the reality of our doublespeak politics. Call it skull-and-crossbones civility.

The Lincoln Project called on its almost 3 million followers to hound and harass attorneys Carolyn McGee and Ronald Hicks for assisting the Trump team in its legal battle over mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania.

The Lincoln Project tweeted, "Make them famous," to its 2.7 million followers along with an emoji depicting a skull-and-crossbones.  This is the targeting of lawyers who are doing their professional jobs in representing a client and raising allegations of voter irregularities. The Lincoln Project is clearly trying to unleash a campaign of harassment to deter them or other lawyers from taking such cases. Rather than allow the courts to simply rule on such legal challenges, the Lincoln Project is trying to scare off the lawyers.

Twitter stated:

"The Tweet referenced is in violation of the Twitter Rules on abusive behavior. The account owner will be required to delete the violative Tweet before regaining access to their account."

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