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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Biden "Victory" Speech: Was Joe Even There or Was it a Deception?

• - John Rappaport

This is what I saw Friday night.

I was watching the "Bloomberg QuickTake: Now" live feed of the Wilmington, Delaware, outdoor space. Long shot. Vehicles parked. Occasional sounds of horns honking. At the front of the space, lit up in the darkness, an empty stage. Flags. A podium.

The Bloomberg crew appeared to be waiting for Biden to walk out on that stage and deliver his speech. Why else would they set up their cameras and hold on that long shot for minutes?

I assumed Biden was late. So I kept watching that shot of the space, the cars, the stage.

Suddenly, two big screens on either side of the stage lit up. Biden was there, on screen, standing at an INDOOR podium, against a plain background. He started talking.


I clicked on the TV set. I flipped through network channels. Yes, there was Biden, indoors, against that plain background, at that podium, talking. Delivering his speech.

Except, where was he exactly? And when? Was this a live speech, or had it been pre-recorded?
