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Seismic Circus: Killer Clowns in Killer Cults

•, by Bill Buppert

Just finished Shattered Sword about both the Japanese and American perspectives on the Battle of Midway, highly recommended. Now I am reading Savage Continent  by Keith Lowe about Europe in 1944-1949 and it is eerily prescient of some of the nonsense we are experiencing right now.

Rule 556 and 308 will prevail in the end.

I recently did some re-purposing with guitar hangers to hang ARs on the wall and turned a Milwaukee tool case into a Glock container with some pluck-foam customized to fit. Turned out nicely. Would love some reader comments on how they have re-purposed things to other uses.

Also, I acted on this immediately, put ear protection near your bedside at night and in your vehicles if driving strapped. Your ears will thank you.

The New York Times actually did some journalism on Kenosha? The NY!? It appears the surviving member of the RevCom Bullet Trap Trio, Comrade Gaige Grosskreutz [apparently means super-sized fuck-stick in German], is 26 and still rides a skateboard. Don't take a skateboard to a gun fight. That's what I get out of it.

Young Kyle Rittenhouse's sober demeanor and mature use of arms & tactical acumen is a credit to his family. He attempts to retreat. Is attacked by the first decedent (Comrade Rosenbaum, the pedophile). Fires in self defense, killing Comrade Rosembaum. Is pursued by a violent mob of 50 or so. He attempts to get out of there, discharging his duty to retreat. He is kicked the ground by a violent psychopath. He's then attacked, while prone by Comrade Huber (arrested for battery, drugs and domestic violence) who strikes him in the head with a skateboard. Comrade Huber is shot and killed. Comrade Grosskreutz approaches, gun clearly visible in hand. As he raises the weapon, he's shot in the arm. All visible, all recorded.

Comrade-Dr. Grosskreutz even said " he regrets not being able to kill the teen". Saint Rafa? Gan-Ganowicz is smiling beatifically from the Great Hall in Valhalla. He is rumored to have averred: "Well met, young Jason Rittenhouse, well met."

Spliced timeline for Kenosha mayhem resulting in two good commies.

Very detailed timeline and analysis of Rittenhouse encounter.

Keen update from Colion Noir:

The commies started the shooting on June 14, 2017 in Alexandria, VA.

So it begins…