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Trump Sent Federal Troops into Portland to Stop Riots that Have Raged for 50 Days

•, CNN, Fox News, Bloomberg

Mercenaries broke into the police union's headquarters and set it on fire while others attacked the courthouse. Federal troops are using tear gas and are making arrests. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler says President Trump is using Portland for political gain and is endangering people because the troops are escalating tension. Governor Kate Brown demanded that the federal troops withdraw.
The US Attorney for the Oregon District requested an investigation of masked, camouflaged federal officials without identification badges who are arresting rioters in Portland. The agents are unidentified because the mercenaries have target officers and their families. Department of Homeland Security personnel were video recorded arresting rioters and putting them in unmarked SUVs. US Customs and Border Protection admitted to being one of the agencies involved. The American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon sued Homeland Security over the arrests. -GEG

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