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Bloodshed, Tyranny and Privation

•, By Linh Dinh

Actually, both the iconoclasts and their backers know very well what they're destroying, and who they're humiliating, deracinating and subjugating. Though often messy, their process has been laser focused and methodical.

Though Trump avoided naming his trigger, it was clear he was responding to Shaun King, who had tweeted on June 22nd:

Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down.

They are a form of white supremacy.

Always have been.

In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went?


Not Denmark.

Tear them down.


All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down.

They are a gross form white supremacy.

Created as tools of oppression.

Racist propaganda.

They should all come down.
