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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

The US Treasury Will "Pump" Another $1-Trillion Into Economy This Month

• by Zero Hedge

He also said that there now are discussions with Congress about how much more money will be created to bail out bankrupt states. [The more that individuals, corporations, institutions, and states become dependent on federal money, the more they all become subservient to the hand that feeds them. At the end of this road lies one, megalithic federal government as the supreme master of everything.] -GEG

With stocks tumbling, it was only a matter of time before Trump trotter out the "plunge protectors", and sure enough just minutes after cash reopen, Steve Mnuchin dialed into CNBC, where he said that "we can't shut down the economy again" amid growing fears of a second virus wave, and just to get the Robin hood traders extra pumped, the Treasury Secretary said that another $1 trillion will be pumped into the market economy.

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