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Not Everyone In Hollywood Supports Cancel Culture: Some Harsh Words for the PC Crowd

• The Organic Prepper by Daisy Luther

By now, you've probably heard of cancel culture. If you haven't, here's a definition and an example from Urban Dictionary.

A desire to cancel out a person or community from social media platforms.

It is characterised by the response of an evil individual when they are shown to be wrong. They will call on their followers to report the social media accounts of the person or group that did the criticising rather than discussing the criticism or showing by evidence where the criticism is incorrect.

Narcissists make up the majority of the people who engage in cancel culture, and others who do this would include immature individuals.

Example: Johnny was criticised for being vindictive against Janny and instead of discussing the problem, Johnny called on his followers to report the account, cancel culture style, of the person who made the criticism. (source)

We've been seeing it more and more, but it only applies when convenient. As well, you can get canceled for something you did decades ago before it was politically incorrect.

For example, Megyn Kelly lost her television show because she even dared to question appearing in blackface, but Governor Ralph Northam, who had photos in his old yearbook of himself in blackface, is still in office, taking away gun rights from Virginians. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau "can't recall" how many times he's worn blackface, but he still got re-elected.

Some people get away with it, and others do not. It seems to depend on which political party you support.

It can happen to anyone.

Nobody is safe from being "canceled" by the online mob. In fact, one day you can be part of the online mob, and the next day you can cross some imaginary line and you're the one being canceled.

Anyone can be the subject of an internet witch hunt, but people in the public eye or positions of power tend to have more to lose. Sometimes it's a matter of getting everyone to "unfollow" the victim on social media and other times it goes all the way to in-person stalking or "doxing."

Doxing, if you aren't familiar, is the practice of locating private information about a person and making it public. It could be their home address, their children's schools, the home of their elderly parents – nothing is off-limits.

One victim of doxing was Dana Loesch, a spokeswoman for the NRA. She had to do a midnight move to pack up her family and quickly relocate when her home address was revealed publicly and threats against her escalated. Author Natasha Tynes was also canceled, and it nearly destroyed her life.