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An Eye-Witness's Shocking Account of What's REALLY Happening During the Seattle Riots


As Toby Cowern says, "Look how much 'othering' has been done already. Once that's happening there's a big problem."

He's right – and here's the shocking truth about what's really going on in Seattle from a person who had a front-row ticket to the mayhem.

An eye-witness account

I previously said I had a lot to say regarding my experiences while in downtown Seattle [Incoming VERY long post…]. When I came home, I was exhausted, angry, and saddened by what I had experienced. I said I needed to share what happened, but I also said I needed some time to rest and reflect. My unit was activated for 12 days. We worked long hours but we continued to stay dedicated to the state and the mission. I can't stop that now. I've been up all night, trying my best to put into words what I experienced and observed. This is too important to wait.