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IPFS News Link • Business/ Commerce

Who Thought This One Up?

•, By Bill Sardi

All this financial talk is over most people's heads.  That is why the financial classes get away with their crimes.  To understand the crime requires learning a new language: "Fed balance sheet," "deflationary spiral," "stock buy backs," etc.

What the average Joe doesn't understand is that the economy was intentionally crashed under the guise of a viral epidemic, then Congress passes laws giving the big companies billions, so no harm, no foul FOR THEM!

The lenders then have their bad debts (non-performing loans in default or foreclosed) taken off their accounting books and placed on the FEDERAL RESERVE's balance sheet ($12 trillion now).  Don't you wish you had an uncle who would take all the debts off your accounting books and place them on his ledger so you falsely looked profitable?