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IPFS News Link • FBI

It Was A Frameup The FBI Admits There Was No Legitimate Case Against General Flynn

• by Paul Craig Rob

FBI documents forced out of the FBI's hands reveal that the case against General Flynn was illegitimate and had in the FBI's own words no evidence in its behalf.  So FBI officials undertook to frame General Flynn.  It is all completely clear in the released documents, and thus the Justice Department had to dismiss the case.

The presstitutes make much of Flynn having admitted that he lied to the FBI.  They don't tell us that the FBI threatened to indict Flynn's son unless he cooperated in helping the FBI build a case against himself ( ). The lie was coerced. It was the price of not framing up General Flynn's son.  The same thing was done to "junk bond king" Michael Milken.  They threatened to indict his brother unless he self-incriminated.

Tucker Carlson exposes the lying media for falsely reporting that the case against Flynn was dropped because of political influence when the evidence is clear that the case was dropped because it was a concocted fabrication.
