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The Resistance Has Begun!!! 24 Examples Of Americans Resisting

• - By Allan Stevo

Neil Ferguson has called for an 18-month rolling quarantine. Many government officials have cited his Imperial College paper as defense of the corona lockdowns. Like every other algorithm, this too has turned out to be based on the mere guess of an academic. Algorithm is another word for "guess." Model is another word for "guess."

It turns out that those guesses aren't actually panning out. We have wagered a lot on those guesses, and taken unprecedented anti-social action. New York, for example, has needed some 18,000 hospital beds, not the 55,000, 73,000, or 136,000 that some predicted.

Data from Oregon shows the lockdown to be unnecessary. A professor there demonstrated more than a week ago that lockdowns are not working.

Though there are severely inflates death counts, only 150 healthy individuals are believed to have died of Covid-19 with no pre-existing conditions. The BBC describes the American death count with this problematic sentence: "At present in the US, any death of a Covid-19 patient, no matter what the physician believes to be the direct cause, is counted for public reporting as a Covid-19 death."

Wow. Corona wasn't that big of a deal? That's great news.

These lockdowns aren't working? That's some pretty big news too.

What are officials doing in response? Doubling down on lockdowns.

What are people across the country starting to do in response to that? Saying they've had enough. The resistance is here.

The Face Mask Resistance – If You're Gonna Wear A Mask, Make It A Guy Fawkes Mask

75 people showed up outside the Ohio State House to protest the lockdown. Some came masked, not in the obligatory fear mask mandated by the national top-down fear mask movement, but in Guy Fawkes masks!

Video footage of Ohio state house protests can be found here and here. Photos here.

If they make you wear a mask, send a message. If you think face masks work, please read this pre-politicization of face masks (2016) piece. They certainly don't work well enough for people to get violent with those not wearing them.

Early Victory: Philadelphia Fear Mask Resistance Forced The Hands Of Pols

People were being pulled off busses in Philadelphia for not wearing face masks, some of the thugs doing the enforcing weren't wearing face masks themselves.

Philadelphia's SEPTA public transportation system required passengers to wear a face mask as of Thursday, April 9. Passengers refused and stood their ground.

In the exact opposite of social distancing, passengers were violently pulled off buses by gangs of cops in Philadelphia for not wearing masks. After these shameful displays of police violently removing unmasked passengers were captured by bystanders on social media, the face mask requirement was rescinded.

In our heavily charged political climate, somehow the willingness to not wear a face mask has itself become a potent sign of civil disobedience in some corridors of America.