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IPFS News Link • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

The Rapidly Accelerating Tyranny & How We Can Stop It Together - Part 2 of 2

• H8St8 at

By H8St8 at

Continued from Part 1 of 2

Tyranny has already gone way past tolerable for anyone with even an ounce of self-respectTHEY are taking advantage of their plandemic, long-planned to complete our enslavement. It's time to stop cowering and take action against THEM, the global financial elite with all the government tools and big corporations they own.

This is not about the politics of who is currently running government, the red and blue striped beast which only answers to its true master, THEM. Instead, this is about your freedom versus the very existence of government, which enables THEM to impose tyranny and milk you of all your life's efforts.

We can win! Our numbers are overwhelmingly greater, as brilliantly described in the short must-see video "The Tiny Dot" by Larken Rose.


Also,forever on IPFS HERE

If even a small fraction of society decides to commit as many of the following acts of rebellion as possible we will destroy THEM in short order:

Meet and communicate with others to discuss this article and get everyone possible pissed at government of all stripes.

All government edicts need to be disobeyed in ways which harm nobody

Stop paying all taxes to starve the beast.

Stop making payments on all bank loans. They are counterfeit based illegitimate transactions. Only pay back money borrowed from individuals and small to medium sized businesses. Screw the big corporations who can borrow money printed out of thin air, for almost nothing, and lend at high rates.

Take all of your cash out of the bank and other financial institutions.

Buy things which will retain value after the cash and paper financial instruments soon may become worthless.

Do not accept any new government arranged payment accounts which they may soon force you to use for everything.

Do not accept any preconditions for the money stolen from you which the government is offering to give back.

Buy from individuals and small businesses to starve the big corporations without using credit cards.

Buy and sell online with crypto at , (filter for accepting crypto and shipping if needed) and OpenBazaar/Haven app.

Be able to start recording and streaming video from your phone whenever you encounter any injustice. Record it and make it obvious. Encourage others gathered to do the same for safety in numbers.

Do not carry an ID when traveling and not driving. If asked, just give them a fake name and tell them you're homeless.

Refuse any "medical" passport issuance.

Do not get any new RealID with biometric information gathered which may be required to fly. Drive if you must. Get a fake drivers license if you need one.

If pulled over, make sure your doors are locked. Park in a very visible place. Start audio and video recording of the event and let them know it's streaming to the Internet, even if it isn't. Only roll down your window far enough to talk and slip your ID through, if necessary.

Never say anything to government representatives or sign any document from them without a lawyer present. Simply state this intention to them without any explanation. Only ask, "am I being detained" and if not, "am I free to go", repeatedly.

If they want to conduct a search or test you, tell them you never approve of these with out a lawyer present.

Set up and properly maintain a secure PC using only Privacy Tools recommendations or buy one already setup from

Communicate using KeybaseRiotSignal Briar Mesh network and other Privacy Tools.

Post and read decentralized information at PocketnetFloteLBRYMastadonD.LiveMinds, and other decentralized Privacy Tools. Join to get on the email list for daily real news aggregation messages. Abandon facebook, youtube, twitter, google, snapchat and other centralized social networking which gathers your information and spies on you.

Ignore all mainstream media which is simply what THEY want you to believe.

Get rid of all "convenience" devices which have voice or camera surveillance in your living space and transportation.

Turn off your tracking device, aka cell phone, and keep it in a Faraday case for isolation from monitoring signals or leave it at home. Phones can be turned on remotely when the battery is still in it.

Get offline GPS devices or paper maps and know how to read them. Use other non-phone solutions like mp3 players to provide whatever you need without a tracking device. It may be inconvenient at first, but this is a revolutionary act, along with everything else listed here.

Destroy 5G towers and avoid all 5G devices with their harmful radiation and surveillance supporting high bandwidth.

Educate others about the serious harm from 5G and discourage them from buying those devices.

Destroy the property and capabilities of law enforcement and military whenever safely possible. This includes cameras and all other government surveillance devices.

Get to know your neighbors, but don't mention your preps. Learn who you should help, depend on or avoid.

Learn about healthy natural alternatives and get off medications to starve big pharma

Stop eating unhealthy food, drinking contaminated water and get out of town for fresh air.

Start a garden.

Collect and filter rainwater

Get exercise, sunshine and walk barefoot on bare earth as much as you can to keep from feeding the sickcare system.

Join or start a Freedom Cell for your area

Learn and prepare to provide for your own security

Homestead whatever land and property you can which is claimed by government and large corporations. They got it all on the cheap as part of the massive societal wealth transfer, facilitated by their government partnership and crony/counterfeiting cartel con over several generations, or stole it outright. It is not stealing to take something which was stolen, unless some another individual can produce evidence of a legitimate prior claim.

You're welcome to add to this list of actions which we need to take against THEM in the comments below, for the next update of this article.

How will your children and grandchildren judge you in the years ahead, based on what you're doing atthis critical juncture in time? Are you going to bravely take as many of the above rebellious actions as possible? Or, are you going to submit like a coward, before the powers who should not be, helping assure the slavery of yourself, your progeny and everyone else you know? Those are your only real choices as we face the biggest threat to our freedom in history. Choose wisely and bravely.

We MUST ALL take action NOW!! With our very large numbers coming at THEM, from every direction with these acts of rebellion, their Tiny Dot doesn't stand a chance. Let's all start now, together, and stay at it, until THEY are gone!



Please share this article with everyone and republish it everywhere to make it go viral to help assure our success against THEM. Your comments are encouraged under the original publication which can be found at .

Republication is encouraged. Credit back to the original would be appreciated, but isn't necessary.
