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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Risk? We Don't Need No Stinking Risk!

• by Tom Luango

We are no longer a country that tolerates the risk of capitalism. To be honest, we haven't been that country for a very long time. Steadily over the course of my life (I was born in 1968 the year the London Gold Pool failed), the global monetary system has cut tie after tie to the discipline of the free market in money.

With the U.S. at the center of the system, it was inevitable that we would reach the point of no return once there was no other way to reflate the system.

And it has been in the service of arrogating the power of money creation, and by extension the power that confers to the printers, to a global oligarchy I'm fond of calling The Davos Crowd.

My last post was an open letter to these folks letting them know that no matter how much they try to scare us into accepting a world where they have total control over our lives their chances of success are limited because we can see them and what they are planning.

The response I've received from people to that post confirm my view on this. Few things I have written have generated the kind of passion I've seen from folks.