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14 Ways to Be Civilly Disobedient in the Face of the Corona Ban

• - By Allan Stevo

And the corona bans need to be killed if they are going to die.

Case in point, even the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, more than two weeks ago, acknowledged that the hasty and heavy-handed corona ban may have backfired, saying "If you re-thought that or had time to analyze that public health strategy, I don't know that you would say 'Quarantine everyone.'" Yet the corona ban remains firmly in place in New York.

Sometimes fell swoops work to enact change, other times a general change in attitude might get the job done. With the corona bans needing to be killed, here are a few ways to exert pressure.

Contact Your Favorite Closed Businesses, Ask Them Not Only To Re-Open But To Sue The City and State

Imagine this: local government asked them to shut down their livelihood for no good reason. You are asking them to protect their livelihood with every good reason. Some consider it poor form to act against the government. To the contrary, it's wonderful behavior to tell your government to quit being so boneheaded when it is being boneheaded.

It's certainly being boneheaded.

Send a personalized email to every closed business that you currently miss. Tell them what you miss about them and why. Tell them what a farce this corona ban is and why. Ask them to sue the city and state imposing a ban on them. Offer to help them find a lawyer.

If you need ammunition to describe the farce: 1.)this is illegal (you can't be stopped from assembling with others, worshiping, or doing business with others), 2.) all services are essential , 3.) "essential worker" is a term which hauntingly evokes memories of the worst of the human experience, and 4.) for the utilitarians: this ban is not working: based on publicly available data from a large Oregon hospital, based on data from Italy about who gets it: the elderly and infirm (99% of those who died in Italy had other illnesses that predisposed them to die), and based on data from China collected by international research teams on how it is spread (85% through people sharing households, not through schools, businesses, or similarly casual contact – household contact is the driver of the epidemic).

Oh, and evil Florida – un-shuttered for two weeks longer than New York – has 13x fewer corona cases than New York in full lockdown.

David Stockman writes: "The infection rate in New York is 13.4X higher than Florida's, while New York's hospitalization and death rates are 21X and 22X higher, respectively."

With so many potential variables in place, obviously it's not the lockdown that's the effective variable. The lockdown doesn't work against corona. Researchers have known that for years. Far from being data-driven, there's a great deal of uncertainty around the effectiveness of many of these dramatic interventions taking place. One must wonder: "If proven data is not driving these heavy-handed measures, then what is?"

Your email is intended to get your favorite businesses to quit participating in this farce and to re-open.

If at first they aren't warm to the idea, keep bringing that up to them.

Get Your Church Re-Opened For Easter

Get your pastor on the phone and ask him if there will be a church service on Easter. Do that everyday. Get your church council on the phone. Get everyone who you normally talk to in your congregation on the phone. If the church opens, they don't have to attend church. No one is forcing them. But if the church stays closed, it harms those who want to attend, perhaps even feel a need to attend during these dire days. Those are the people church is most there for: those who need it.

To be courageous is among the roles of the church in society. "If no courage flows from faith then there is no living faith," wrote a brave clergyman to me this past week.

It is cowardly to keep the church doors closed, especially in a time when the steadfast nature of the church is most needed in the face of such great anti-religious, secular pressure. Somewhere there is a Marxist laughing at the folly of Christian pastors lining up to be the first to virtue signal loudest by closing their churches down most dramatically.

Get your church re-opened by Easter – April 12 – as Becky Akers inspirationally calls believers to do. There are certainly dozens, probably hundreds, maybe even thousands of congregations across the country meeting in violation of the illegal local orders.

Some are meeting in open defiance of the illegal lockdown orders. Some are meeting in their sanctuaries behind closed doors. Some are even said to be meeting in homes, like Bethany Slavic Missionary Church in California.

Early Christians met in secret and were persecuted by both friend and foe. The courage being shown by some Christians today will serve as a source of pride for ages. The cowardly will want to sweep what took place in these months under the rug.

If they don't re-open, get some friends together on the front steps or in the parking lot. Please celebrate the resurrection in a way worthy of being called glorious.

Eventually Pastors will open their doors to their parishioners who congregate outside each Sunday.

Get Your Favorite Restaurant To Serve You Speakeasy Style

David Hathaway paints a picture of what happens when heavy-handed politicians ignore market pressures: black markets arise.When a very much in-demand mug of beer was deemed illegal, speakeasies arose. When a sit-down meal is deemed illegal, expect restaurants to do the same. The more people who ask for this service, the more likely it is to occur, until even the cops are doing it in the face of the rules that even they know are silly.

There's a reason a group like Oathkeeprs exist. Plenty of the people enforcing the law know how rotten the law is.