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IPFS News Link • Congress-Congressmen

Congress Funding The Spraying Particles In The Sky Allegedly To Cool Earth

•, Free Thought Project

The first method involves spraying sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to shade the Earth from intense sunlight. The second approach is to spray an aerosol of sea salt particles to cause clouds over the ocean to act as shade. [Note two important aspects of these news reports: (1) The reality of the global-warming threat is never challenged. As usual, it is accepted without question when, in fact, the whole thing is a political propaganda hoax. (2) They are talking about funding future spraying projects with no suggestion that past and present spraying projects have been underway for many years which must have been funded more or less under the table. Therefore, the real import of this announcement is that, now, they are ready to place the funding in plain sitht.] -GEG

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