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This Third Row Podcast Featuring Tesla's Elon Musk Is A Must Watch

•, Eric Loveday

Courtesy of Third Row Tesla, we present this extraordinary podcast featuring Tesla CEO Elon Musk. It's Part 1 and it's a long one, so sit back, relax and get ready for information overload.

If you're not familiar with Third Row Tesla, then here's an introduction and overview:

The Third Row is a team of passionate Tesla enthusiasts who share the common goal of bringing the truth about Tesla to the world, in a fun and entertaining way, through a weekly audio/video podcast.

We are members of the Tesla community including Sofiaan Fraval, Omar Qazi (AKA Steve Jobs Ghost), Vivien Hantusch, Galileo Russel (HyperChangeTV), Vincent Yu (Tesmanian), and Kristen (K10).

Follow the timestamps below to hear what's said about the various topics.

Video description and timestamps via Third Row Tesla on YouTube:

Elon Musk is known for many different things – however, not many people seem to know a lot about Elon as a person, what led to him putting everything on the line to build SpaceX & Tesla, and why he continues pushing for a better future. In this video, Elon is sharing his story – raw & (almost) uncut.