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IPFS News Link • Transportation

"Oh My F*cking God": Elon Musk's Bizarre Cybertruck Unveiling Goes Horribly Wrong

• Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

Elon Musk took to the stage on Thursday night to peddle his latest desperate cash grab pile of shit introduce the first Tesla truck model at yet another sycophant-sell-out unveiling "party". In our wildest dreams, we couldn't imagine a more ridiculous revealing of Tesla's new "Cybertruck" than what took place. 

As the old saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words".

And here's that picture: a truck with two shattered windows that looks like it rolled out of a dumpster heap at a metal scrapyard, being offered for the low low price of just $39,900. 

We know you have questions. What am I looking at? Why are the windows broken? We'll get to it. 

The theme of the Cybertruck unveiling, after getting over the way the thing looked, was its durability. "We created an exoskeleton," Musk says at one point, describing the truck's exterior. It was something Musk literally "hammered home" starting at the beginning of his presentation. In fact, after revealing the truck, he had one of his assistants come on stage and hit the door with a sledge hammer. The door didn't budge. 

No dents! Incredible! Musk's genius shines through again!