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IPFS News Link • Lawsuits

Charlottesville Lawsuit:

• by Matt Parrott

The Dissident Movement that showed up for Unite The Right was a miracle?; ?a grassroots political uprising with absolutely no elite interest,? ?wealthy benefactors,? ?or foreign backers.?

UTR was what every synthetic? "?color revolution?"? pretends to be?; ?a mass? ?of men and women brought together by a common vision with a common cause of securing a better future for themselves and their future generations.

We stood against corporations that tried to censor and deplatform us at every turn,? ?scrambling from one Airbnb reservation to another as Big Tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley worked overtime to shut it down.? ?We stood against a corporate media that entirely abandoned journalistic ethics in favor of becoming naked propagandists for their Permanent Washington regime.?

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