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How much glyphosate is really in your beer? Health Ranger test 26 popular beers in science...


(Natural News) According to media reports, beer products are heavily saturated with glyphosate, a toxic, cancer-causing weed killer chemical. But is the media really telling the truth?

To find out, we tested 26 popular beers in our mass spec laboratory, using LC-MS-MS instrumentation that's sensitive below 1 ppb. The findings may surprise you, because they contradict what the media is dishonestly reporting about glyphosate in beer. (See full chart of results and video below…)

We began to suspect the media was being dishonest about glyphosate in beer when we saw the media claiming beer products "tested positive" for glyphosate. But "testing positive" is scientifically meaningless, because it says nothing about the concentration of glyphosate in the beer products. Just one molecule of glyphosate could qualify as "testing positive," yet one molecule by itself has zero risk of harm. Like other agricultural chemicals, glyphosate's toxicity is directly proportional to its concentration in your blood. This is determined by the concentration of glyphosate in the products you are consuming or putting on your skin.

When media outlets don't report the concentrations but say a product "tests positive" for glyphosate, they are being deceptive and utterly non-scientific. That's not surprising, considering that nearly all mainstream media journalists are scientifically illiterate, which is why they've all been stupidly brainwashed to believe that carbon dioxide is bad for the planet. In truth, CO2 is the "miracle molecule" for plant life that's re-greening the planet, even according to NASA.
