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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Political

Birth of a Plantation by Bill Buppert

•, by Bill Buppert

I have five children and three have gone to college. One has an BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering, one has a BA in a "soft" science and one stopped after completing her AA. None have debt having attended state colleges absent the Ivy League pedigree and had significant scholarship assistance. All home educated with short interregnums in a government school.

There is a liberty gap across the sexes so my son came out unscathed by the Marxoid government supremacist programming and even personally introduced Ron Paul's speaking engagement at his school in Idaho. My daughters have come out fairly whole in being human beings with a solid moral center instead of rabid communist man-haters.

I have two sons who have not gone to college and I don't want them to. I have no fear of losing them to the alien human extinction philosophical framework that informs the moral ecology of most campuses. They are stronger than that.

I don't want them to sink four plus years of their life into the morass that is the university campus, there is a reason they don't call it a heteroversity because any ideas that county the orthodoxy of communism, government supremacism, collectivism and infanticide are not tolerated.