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Uber is now kicking low-rated passengers out of its cars


Things that can lower your rating: being rude, leaving trash, drinking beer and vomiting.

Uber has long deactivated drivers who get low ratings. Now the ride-hailing company is turning the tables.

Uber announced Wednesday that those passengers who receive bad marks from drivers will be booted from the platform. But, Uber said, they'll have to "develop a significantly below average rating."

If a passenger's rating starts to slip, the company will send tips on how to get it back up, such as being polite, not asking drivers to speed and not leaving trash in the car. Uber will give riders several opportunities to improve their ratings before kicking them off the app.

"Respect is a two-way street, and so is accountability. Drivers have long been expected to meet a minimum rating threshold," Kate Parker, Uber's head of safety brand and initiatives, wrote in a blog post. "While we expect only a small number of riders to ultimately be impacted by ratings-based deactivations, it's the right thing to do."