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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

First 'deepfake' AI that can replicate people moving...

•, By Ian Randall

All of the realistic-looking people in the video below are actually fakes — dreamed up by a pair of AI developed by researchers from Kyoto University in Japan.

The AI were first trained on real-life pictures of humans models.

From this, one AI was tasked with repeatedly trying to dream up images of replica models that its counterpart could not distinguish form the real thing. 

This model-creating technology could one day be used to create fake models for use in advertisements and by the clothing and fashion industries.

The pair of AIs that drew up the fake humans in the above footage were developed by DataGrid, a start-up based at the Kyoto University in Japan.

Having previously created an AI that could generate realistic-looking facial images, the company's scientists have turned their sights on developing algorithms that can model an entire human body, and animate it.

The resulting artificial intelligence system, which is the first ever to fabricate images of full humans, dreams up every last aspect of how the fake people look.

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