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IPFS News Link • United Nations

The UN Has Taken Over New Zealand and We Know Why


New Zealand is in the process of remaking itself as a newly-orientated version of Communist China with strong Muslim overtones. Effectively New Zealand has been wiped clean a western nation.  New Zealand will be overrun very soon with overwhelming numbers of Muslim immigrants along with a very repressive government. A look at my website statistics with regard to New Zealand readers, illustrates the isolation of this soon-t0-be former western nation.

The month of the mosque shooting, my website numbers from New Zealand declined from 4% to 1%. So far, in March of 2019, the numbers from New Zealand have declined to .2%.

Here are two recent emails I recently received from New Zealand

Dear Dave Hodges

We follow you religiously. I am presently on a business trip to Vietnam. I can view your website and read everything you have posted. However, my wife  can back in New Zealand cannot access your site. Her sister can but the articles are about 5 days old as we discovered when we compared notes. Your YT channel is not accessible at all.  We are all seeing UN officials in our businesses and around our politicians….

In short, conservative talk show hosts such as yourself are being banned from our internet. We are being turned into Nazi Germany. Everything conservative is now illegal…..