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Jordan Peterson Dines With Globalists At Trilateral Commission


Jordan Peterson's popularity has exploded over the past couple years, as the Canadian left-wing academic rose from obscurity to become perhaps the world's most noteworthy thinker after opposing transgender pronoun mandates at the University of Toronto.

Jordan Peterson's popularity has exploded over the past couple years, as the Canadian left-wing academic rose from obscurity to become perhaps the world's most noteworthy thinker after opposing transgender pronoun mandates at the University of Toronto.

But is there more than meets the eye for this powerful intellect? Did Peterson's meteoric rise to prominence happen because of more than just mere happenstance? Perhaps his growing influence was planned behind the scenes. Some troubling recent behavior has bolstered the theory that Peterson may be a globalist plant.

Cracks are rapidly appearing in the facade of Peterson and the persona he has carefully crafted. He first called for Brett Kavanaugh to step down as Supreme Court nominee while facing the leftist-driven witch hunt. Peterson calls himself a "liberal" in the classical definition, but may be downplaying how far to the left he really is as he continues his mission to "deradicalize" the far-right.

Peterson also implied that meme users were responsible for a recent murderous Synagogue rampage in Pittsburgh. Despite claiming to be an individualist and not a collectivist, he attempted to assign collective guilt over a terrorist act to those who have used the now-infamous three brackets meme pertaining to Jews. This is particularly alarming as it comes during a time when the European Union and other influential globalist entities are looking into the possibility of banning memes.

Peterson's close associations to globalists are noteworthy as well. He signed on to write a United Nations whitepaper titled, "A NEW GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP: ERADICATE POVERTY AND TRANSFORM ECONOMIES THROUGH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT." The report endorses globalism, opposes private property, and calls for third-world migrants to overwhelm Western society.

"The universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants must be respected. These migrants make a positive economic contribution to their host countries, by building up their labour force," the report read.

"I worked on the UN Secretary-General's High Panel for Sustainability Report that was delivered, I believe, in 2013, and rewrote the underlying narrative to strip out most of the ideological claptrap," Peterson said when asked about the report on a podcast.