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IPFS News Link • Bioterrorism

Top 5 TOXINS that turn critically thinking citizens into obedient sheeple...

•, By SD Wells

You may also be recalling the gas chambers of the Holocaust. However, that kind of chemical warfare is usually short-lived and then quashed by some powerful nation or combination of rich, elite politicians who simply won't tolerate losing control of their loyal people – the same citizens who believe their leaders are always taking action in their own country's "best interest." These gullible folks are called "sheeple," and they themselves are controlled by a whole different kind of chemical warfare, that's much more effective for long-term mind control. Americans who fall under this chemically-induced "spell" rarely ever wake up from it – they remain zombie-like tax payers for life, who vote for more punishment, fewer rights, and lots of "free stuff" (that they may never even get).