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What you won't hear from US govt: Iran is open to working with Saudi Arabia

• by Darius Shahtahmasebi

Tuesday's White House Statement from President Trump on "Standing with Saudi Arabia" was an outright condemnation of Iran and a total free pass for Saudi Arabia.

Iran is to blame for almost every issue in the Middle East, including the war in Yemen, according to the statement. The US-made and supplied bombs raining down on Yemeni school buses, with some 85,000 children dying in the process, is simply because of Iran. Not only is Iran responsible for the bloodshed in Yemen, Tehran has further helped "dictator Bashar Assad" in Syria kill "millions of his own citizens." The official death toll of the Syrian war is under one million, and certainly the various jihadist groups, including Islamic State (IS), share responsibility for that figure.

"The Iranians" have also killed many Americans and other innocent people throughout the Middle East. Iran not only shouts "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" but it is also considered "the world's leading sponsor of terror."

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