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Hash Wars: ABC Chain Leaps More Than 50 Blocks Ahead


All eyes were on the Bitcoin Cash network today as the blockchain split into two after the last common block was found on the chain at height 556766. So far both chains have been chugging along, but at the time of writing, the ABC side is well over 50 blocks ahead of the SV chain.

A Historic Day for Bitcoin Cash

Over the last 12 hours, cryptocurrency enthusiasts from all around the world watched the highly anticipated Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network fork on Thursday, Nov. 15, with great excitement. Like many fans expected, the BCH chain split into two and miners from both camps are mining each chain at the moment. The split was cemented when SV miners processed block 556767 at 1:22 p.m. EST on an entirely different chain than the one mined by at 1:00 p.m. EST.

There's been a lot of discussion between both sides of the fork debate, and live streams were broadcast from both camps throughout the day. As we mentioned in our previous report, Jihan Wu was quiet earlier this week but today he congratulated for mining the first block with the ABC ruleset changes. The Bitmain CEO also tweeted to his followers the following statement:

There will be no more negative gamma after this block in BCH community. Congratulations.

Craig Wright, who is usually a bit more vocal on Twitter, did not tweet his usual amount of statements during the fork. However, at block height 556781, when the SV chain briefly took the lead, Wright wrote, "In all this, no user transactions are lost — And SV is ahead." Wright appeared on podcast channel on with the BCH Boys, Daniel Krawisz, and Ari from Cashpay Solutions. Another web destination where many people discussed the fork was the Coinspice live stream channel. This particular stream saw members of the community such as's Roger Ver, Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin who briefly visited, Andreas Brekken of, and many more special guests.