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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Liberalism

Leftists claim killing unborn babies is "reproductive rights" … but what about the rights


(Natural News) Far-left rag Slate recently published encouraging women to teach their daughters how to get and "shout" their abortions, citing "reproductive rights" as the "moral" impetus behind the "choice" to murder unborn children in the womb. But what about the rights of all these unborn children who never even get a chance at life?

Leftists never seem to talk about the sanctity of all human life, particularly human life in the womb, which they apparently consider to be nothing more than throwaway "clumps of cells," or subhuman, second-class citizens at best. The only human life that seems to have any value to leftists is adult human life, and particularly adult human life that adopts far-left, "progressive" viewpoints such as legal abortion at all stages of pregnancy.

Children who attend public schools sometimes have value to leftists, but only when guns are involved in alleged mass shootings that provide, pardon the pun, ammunition for the Left Cult to virtue signal about the "merits" of gun control. School-age humans are mere pawns, in other words, for far-left extremists to try to push their anti-gun agenda – something that unborn human life can't support, hence why it's 100 percent expendable to leftists.

The only human life that matters to the far Left, in other words, is other far Left human life that has the potential to be exploited for political purposes. All other human life should be extinguished, according to leftists, because it can't or won't contribute to various leftist agendas, and is thus useless and without dignity.