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IPFS News Link • Natural Disasters

NASA Moves To Save The World From Yellowstone Supervolcano Threat


While the volcano cooling venture may create a lucrative power-generating opportunity, it could also potentially cause a catastrophic eruption.

NASA scientists have reportedly designed a way to avert a disaster which may threaten mankind's continued existence – the threat of Yellowstone supervolcano eruption.

Brian Wilcox of the NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab explained to BBC that the US space agency plans to "drill up to 10km down into the supervolcano, and pump down water at high pressure," thus slowly extracting heat from it.

He noted that while the cost of this venture is estimated at $3.46 billion, it may also present an interesting investment opportunity as the volcano, which "currently leaks around 6GW in heat," can be essentially converted into a huge geothermal plant which would generate "electric power at extremely competitive prices of around $0.10/kWh."