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IPFS News Link • Israel

Ron Unz For President

•, Paul Craig Roberts

It shows the extraordinary salary—a paycheck in the 1% range—of the head of the Zionist Anti-defamattion League (ADL), an organization that despite its title defames everyone who makes the slightest criticism of Israel. For example, when the Israeli Army machine-guns 89 unarmed prostesting Palestinians, including medics treating machine-guned 3-year olds, as Israel did today, or was it yesterday, or every day, and some person with a moral conscience says Israel should not have done that, the ADL brands that person "an anti-semite who wants another holocaust for the Jews."

In other words, Israeli foreign policy and every other Israeli policy can only be praised, never criticized. In Europe Israel is more powerful than the country governments. If you question the holocaust Israel can have your country imprison you for Israel. Israel can even have EU countries imprison other countries' citizens.