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IPFS News Link • Justice and Judges

The Kavanaugh Nomination Could Be the Trigger for Civil War In America


Whoever thought that when Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian radical that it would trigger a world war in which millions were killed? Along these same lines, the outcome of the Kavanaugh nomination could very well be the modern-day flash point for a very bloody civil war that could culminate in World War III. 

For individuals who follow this site on a regular basis, I don't need to remind you that I have been passionately opposed to Kavanaugh's nomination based on his past judicial and prosecutorial conduct. However, I never want to see a man's life destroyed based upon fabricated evidence. And make no mistake about it, these three women, all with Democratic party allegiances, are all lying through their collective teeth. I am mindful of the fact that Kavanaugh is a man who has a wife and children and for these loved ones to be exposed to the vile lies of the left is inexcusable.

For the good of the country, I have decided to reconsider my concerns about Kavanaugh's liberal nature and support his nomination.  I do, however, still have my previously expressed reservations about Kavanaugh's true commitment to conservative rule of law. But my concerns are outweighed by the fact that I will not permit my country to be governed by terrorists who gain power through illegitimate means. I am hopeful that the Democratic Socialist Party's tactics blow up in their liberal faces just as it did with me.

Please keep in mind that if I saw even a sliver of evidence that Kavanaugh is a sexual abuser of women, I would have already vilified him for his past conduct. However, the Democratic strategy has backfired on me as I hope it does on millions of Americans.

I don't generally see the world in a left-right paradigm. However, America is indeed being polarized along these lines. Most disturbingly, there is a pattern of escalating violence on the left that will eventually be responded to, in kind, by the right.


Massive Illegal Alien Voter Fraud Coming to the Midterms

Twelve percent of all people living in the United States  are here illegally and will subsequently vote illegally courtesy of such anti-American revolutionaries such as George Soros who will bus these people from polling place to polling place.

Matt Drudge has predicted the "Blue Wave" is going to win 60 seats in the House of Representatives. North Carolina has just shut down voting investigation of 19 illegals caught voting. A reader provided me with information that the investigation into DMV offices in Democrat districts showed 196,000 illegals cast votes in 2016.

If the George Soros led voter fraud is successful in handing the Democrats the House of Representatives, there will be a violent backlash from the right.

Republicans Are Beginning to Fear for Their Very Lives

The GOP is afraid of its own shadow. They are afraid to investigate illegal alien voter fraud because of the backlash from the left. And these fears are well-founded. First, we witnessed Sarah Huckabee Sanders being refused service. Now, this leftist harassment has grown to the point where Senator Ted Cruz and his wife had to literally run from the threat of physical danger. Assassinations are next.

The Midterms are Beginning to Hinge On the Kavanaugh Confirmation

I find myself in agreement with Rush Limbaugh as he  recently said that if Kavanaugh is not confirmed, that the Republicans can "kiss the midterms goodbye". Limbaugh predicted that the Democrats would win both the Senate and the House if Kavanaugh is failed to be confirmed.

In addition, if the Republicans give Kavanaugh's fake accusers anymore time to perfect their fabricated stories, they will have Kavanaugh sleeping and with Putin's ex-wife. Kavanaugh, alone, will be blamed for deepening the cold war with Russia.

Although Limbaugh is probably correct that the midterms hang on Kavanaugh's confirmation, one needs to fully appreciate where we are at as a nation.

The Spectrum of Political Revolution

Rooted in the bowels of political change, there is a progressive schema that most political change follows. First, let's have no doubt about what is going in this country. We are in the midst of a Bolshevik Revolution where good old fashioned Soviet ie (communist) values are being imposed on conservatives on a progressive scale.  the violent conflict that is coming is inevitable, unless there is divine intervention.